Choose your packages based your needs

If the packages do not suit your needs, you can contact us to design the package you want it


Visual Identity Package Leave a good impact on your customers by designing your attractive visual identity.

  • Company Logo 
  • Business Card
  • Company Profile
  • Stamp
  • Invoice
  • Contract
  • Mail Signature
  • Mockup 3 ( Free )
  • Price : 6.000 TRY


Web Programming Package Optional programming site, the site is designing based in studies for the company's.

  • 1 - 5 Page Design
  • Responsive With All Devices
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Server For 1 Year ( 50.GB.SSD )
  • 1 Language
  • SSL certificate
  • Landing Page
  • Support For 2 week ( Free )
  • Price : 12.000 TRY


Company Digital Presence This is an optional package, but the package will be tailored to your company's needs.

  • Buyer Persona Analysis
  • Marketing Plan
  • Pages Content Planning
  • Campaigns management
  • Posts Creative Designing 
  • Posts Content Writing
  • Advertising Motion Video
  • Monthly Report
  • Price : 7.500 TRY

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